Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Anxiety medication toronto

Tags: anxiety medication toronto

Fuck February.

This is not a good time of year for me and like clockwork, I find myself particularly mentally fucked these days. My shrink, whom I saw yesterday, has upped my medications slightly to help compensate, but I’m not optimistic that it’s going to make a difference. My mind is all over the pl...

Read the full post from Madame Sunny's House of Burlesque

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via Blogdigger blog search for anxiety medication toronto.

It's currently 2:18am and I have Gogol Bordello playing pretty loudly and I seem to be in a much better mood that I was yesterday. This is in part to getting a crapload of sleep today, talking to Blake until 5am yesterday morning, internet friends coming through with birthday presents so I don't fee ... Blog from:

anxiety medication toronto


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